Welcome to the EMPM Virtual Scholarship Platform

The selection results for EMPM Batch 3 have been announced

Successful candidates have been notified via email

Call for Application 2023/2024

Virtual Top-Up Degree and Virtual Global Opportunities 

European Union Mobility Programme for Myanmar (EMPM)


The overall objective of the programme is to protect Myanmar’s next generation with education and training with the specific objective to enhance options for mobility for students who are affected by recent interruptions of university education. EMPM will award scholarships to Myanmar students to complete top-up degrees at universities in ASEAN. 

Target Group

Virtual Top Up Degree Scholarship: 

Myanmar nationality students who are affected by recent interruptions of university education since 2020. The participant can be both at the undergraduate or Master level education, needing a maximum of 4 or less semesters upon graduating. 

Virtual Global Opportunities (MicroCredentials and Internships): 

Myanmar nationality young professionals impacted by recent interruption in employment. 

Type of Virtual Scholarship

Virtual Top-Up Degree Shcolarship (For candidates who need 1-4 semesters as a transfer student to obtain a degree)Virtual Global Opportunities:Micro-credentials (For candidates who need a non-degree short course to upskill)Virtual Global Opportunities: Internships (For recent graduates and young professionals who need to gain job experience)

Programme Duration

January 2023 - December 31, 2026.

Virtual Scholarship Coverage

Book allowanceICT allowanceFree tuition fee

Document Submission

Candidate must submit the following documents to EMPM: 

Letter of acceptance from EMPM partner university or Letter notifying ongoing admission process Curriculum Vitae (CV)   Application form (includes motivation letter questions) Family registration card Copy of valid ID (NRC) Recent Photograph 

Application Stages

Apply to host university/institution: EU or ASEANReceive Letter of Acceptance from host university/institutionApply for EMPM Virtual ScholarshipSelection by Scholarship Team and EUD MyanmarScholarship Awarded-Mobility begins!

Partner universities and list of programmes (Updated regularly)

List of partner universities and study programmes for Virtual Top-Up Degress in ASEAN and EU [Click Here]List of partner universities and study programmes for Global Opportunities Micro-credential short courses [Click Here]List of partner institution/companies/organisations for Global Opportunities Virtual Internships

Note : You must receive a Letter of Acceptance from the EMPM virtual programme partner universities before you begin your application.

Online Application

Online submission via [Click Here]

Application Deadline

The application deadline is 30 November 2023

Late Submissions will not be accepted.

Check List Documents

Checklist documents (link)


Frequently Asked Questions (link)

Contact Information

For question


CC: &

Will be available second week on november.